Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today was souk in my village and I wanted to get a few items for my apartment. Soumia went with me and we bought a bucket, tea pot and some pots. As soon as we got home, everyone asked how much my purchases were and then examined everything. The same thing happened when I got back from Khenifra on Sunday. In a society where just about everything is bargained for, I can understand the interest in prices, but it sometimes wears on my nerves. Luckily, I seem to have done a good job with my purchases, although my host mom was curious what I am going to do with 5 pots. She has one sauce pan, a pressure cooker, a frying pan and several different tagines. I plan to start a “family” dinner once a month so that any of the volunteers in the area and others who are visiting can come for a good home-cooked dinner and a movie or game night. So having a couple pots will come in handy.

I was supposed to get the keys to my apartment today, but that didn't exactly go as planned. When Mo came for my site visit, he suggested I buy a new lock for the door to my apartment, so that I would be the only one with the keys. I did so and turned the lock over to my landlord the very next day. So, imagine my surprise when we go to my apartment today (a week later) and he brings the lock with him! The lock didn't quite work as easily as it should and after 45 minutes or so of him messing around with it, he told me he would have to come back on Saturday to finish everything. There was still trash from the previous tenant and the remnants from the painter – paint cans, paint thinner, brushes and other trash. My landlord also indicated that he would fix the windows – they all have locks, but some were missing handles.

I am glad to be leaving for the weekend. It would be really frustrating to be here all weekend and not be able to move into my apartment.

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